IATI Virtual Community Exchange 3
Attending this event?

Welcome to the agenda for the second IATI ‘Virtual Community Exchange’ (VCE 2), one of two online events taking place in 2021 to bring together the global IATI community. Join VCE 2 on 12 and 13 October 2021 to help us consider IATI’s progress vis-à-vis the current state of transparency and open data in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals and COVID-19. During VCE 2, you will hear about recent and upcoming IATI activities and how you can participate, be inspired during sessions led by other members of the IATI community and engage with peers in the open data and transparency space. Anyone with an interest in open data, transparency or development cooperation is welcome to join! 

The VCE will offer three parallel sessions simultaneously, and participants are welcome to attend a session from each time slot, or to ’pick and choose’ sessions over the course of two days. Find out how to get prepared with this one-pager, ‘Getting Ready for the VCE’, or view the comprehensive logistical note for the event - and don’t forget to register by 11 October!

Questions? Drop us a line at info@iatistandard.org or post in our digital community platform, IATI Connect. We look forward to seeing you virtually on 12 and 13 October!
Wednesday, June 5 • 8:00am - 9:00am
Balancing responsible transparency: maximising openness, minimising harm (co-organised by the U.S. Department of State and USAID)

Sign up or log in to save this to your schedule, view media, leave feedback and see who's attending!

Across the world, governments and other development stakeholders are systematically making
more (and more relevant) data open and accessible, providing a valuable asset for social and
economic transformation. The belief that data collected and shared by these stakeholders can
support positive development outcomes by enhancing service delivery, prioritising scarce
resources, holding governments accountable and empowering individual citizens is increasingly
predominant in evidence-based decision-making by development and humanitarian
stakeholders. Over the past several years, a growing number of actors, including bilateral
donors, multilateral organisations, civil society, the private sector and governments of
developing economies, have been adopting open data plans, implementing policies, and
publishing datasets that previously remained locked away in closed databases. This move
toward “open data” is part of a broader global trend toward more data-driven policymaking for
development — the 'data revolution'.

As the availability and value of open data has increased over the last decade, along with a tremendous potential for good, the IATI community has also been confronted with situations in which open data could potentially be used for harm. In the wake of recent global and geopolitical events, open data that was meant to promote transparency now risks potentially falling into the wrong hands and presenting safety risks to staff, partners, beneficiaries, and ongoing activities operating in often restrictive environments.

Building on the current discussion in IATI Connect, this roundtable session will feature perspectives from a range of data publishers and data users, focusing on several of the complex issues at hand: How should publishers approach redacting or protecting sensitive data? What are the implications and responsibilities for third party sites that ingest and republish IATI data? What, if any, should be the role of IATI? What is the impact of redactions on data users? Finally, how do these situations affect data traceability?

Please note the link to access this session: https://undp.zoom.us/j/86503043452

avatar for Melinda Cuzner

Melinda Cuzner

IATI Governing Board, and IATI Manager, Sida – Sweden
I first encountered IATI 10 years ago and I must to say I am an IATI believer!I currently sit on the Governing Board and active in as many WGs and CoPs as I possibly can, but if I haven't had the opportunity to talk to YOU yet, then please don't be shy! I am always glad to meet new... Read More →

avatar for Stuart Campo

Stuart Campo

Data Responsibility Team Lead, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ Centre for Humanitarian Data
avatar for Rozanne Larsen

Rozanne Larsen

Branch Chief, Performance Monitoring, Reporting and Data, Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance, U.S. Department of State & USAID
avatar for Andie Vaughn

Andie Vaughn

Senior Policy Advisor, Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning, USAID

Wednesday June 5, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
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